We attended the European Aerosol Conferences 2023https://www.dfmf.uned.es/EAC2023/index.php?page=home held in Malaga, Spain from September 3-8.
Here is an excerpt from the program.
Session: 9-R1 (10:30-12:00, Room 1)
Bioaerosol properties and detection methods
Chairs: Zaheer Nasir, Mikhail Sofiev
- Real time characterisation of biological materials in particulate matter: Challenges and opportunities. Z.A. Nasir, C. Yan, F. Coulon, S. Tyrrel (Cranfield University – United Kingdom)
- Seasonal and intradaily variations of Parietaria pollen in the atmosphere of Málaga. R. Ruiz-Mata, M.M. Trigo, E. de Gálvez-Montañez, M. Recio, M. Muñoz-García, C. Borgognone, A. Picornell (University of Malaga – Spain)
- Development of novel inhalation delivery containing antibiotic agent; from preformulation procedure to in silico aerodynamic evaluation of aerosol. R. Ambrus, E. Benke, Á. Farkas, P. Szabó-Révész (University of Szeged – Hungary)
- Methods for bioaerosol analysis and their applications in our living environments. F. Maruyama, S. Fujiyoshi (Hiroshima University – Japan)
- The Bio-E-RATEs (Bioaerosols Emission Rates Analysis Through Experiments): an experimental bench for the characterisation of viable airborne respiratory particles emission rate. L. Ait Ali Yahia, I. Harbelot, T. Perin, E. Géhin (Univ Paris-Est Creteil CERTES – France)
- In-situ measurements of pollen: comparison of measurements at different heights. P. Tiitta, A. Leskinen, M. Filioglou, X. Shang, J.T.T. Leskinen, A. Lipponen, M. Komppula (Finnish Meteorological Institute – Finland)