

Fumito Maruyama, Ph.D.

Professor & Principal Investigator

| Profile
Graduated from International Christian University, College of Liberal Arts, 2000
Ph.D. (Pharmacy, Osaka University)
| Research theme
Elucidation of survival and coexistence strategies of pathogenic microorganisms living in the environment
| A word
In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind. -Louis Pasteur-

広島大学 Research map KAKEN 日本の研究.com Research Gate Padmed Google Loop ORC iD

Yoshikazu Ishii, Ph.D.

Specially Appointed Professor

| Research theme
1. Kinteic study of β-lactamases.
2. Research and development of novel evaluation tools against antibiotics for social implementation.
3. Analysis of the resistance mechanisms of AMR organisms that have emerged as a result of mutations.

|  A word
Play flat-out  -Gene Kranz-

藤吉 奏

So Fujiyoshi, Ph.D.

Specially Appointed Professor

| Profile
Master (Fisheries Science, Hokkaido University), 2014
Ph.D. (Agriculture, Kyoto University), 2017

| Research theme
Elucidation of interactions between microorganisms living in the environment: (micro) organisms and non-organisms

広島大学  KAKEN 日本の研究.com Research Gate Google Loop

Yukiko Nishiuchi, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

| Profile
Master (Pharmacy, Osaka University), 1986
Ph.D. (Pharmacy, Osaka University), 2000
| Research theme
1. Elucidation of nontuberculous mycobacterial biofilm-formation mechanism.
2. Research of environmental distribution dynamics of nontuberculous mycobacteria.
3. Research of mycobacterial pathogenesis; interaction of mycobacteria and erythrocytes.


Kyoko Yarimizu, Ph.D.

Project Associate Professor

| Profile
Ph.D. (Chemistry) (University of California, San Diego / San Diego State University) 2018
Master (Chemistry) (San Diego State University) 2004

| Research theme
Effects of iron and bacteria on Harmful Algae Blooms

| Hobbies
Ashtanga Yoga / Dog Walk


Kenken Ko, Ph.D.


| Profile
Master (Agriculture, China Agricultural University), 2017
Ph.D. (Agriculture, Okayama University), 2022
| Research theme
Environmental microbiome in buildings
| Hobbies
Jogging, taking phots

Mako Kawai, Ph.D.


| Profile
Graduated from Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Ph.D. (Pharmacy, Osaka University)|
| Research theme
Microorganisms in the environment, drug resistance


Haruka Kamura, Ph.D.


Rodo Lopez Xavier, Ph.D.


Mako Tarama


| Favorite things
Going to bookshops, visiting museums.

| Passion for life
Balancing work, family and my life.

Kimiko Ishitake


| Favorite things
Driving, travelling



Michiko Takagi

Lab assistant

| Favorite things
Sleeping , eating, reading, drawing, playing games, and walking

| Passion for life
Delicious food and relaxing time

Yuki Hayashi

Lab assistant

| Hobbies
Reading, farming

Fukushi Muneyuki


| Profile
Japan Food Research Laboratories
| Research theme
Basic research on comprehensive microbial detection.

Hussain Syed Muntazir


| Profile

| Research theme

Thanpicha Kriditamrujee


■ Profile
B.Sc. (Environmental Science, Chulalongkorn University)
■ Favorite things
Nature sightseeing, listening to mysterious stories

Jiang Siyu


■ Profile
B.Econ(economics Chengdu University of Technology)
■ Hobbies
I enjoy watching concerts, traveling to places with beautiful natural scenery, and reading books.


Mateja Dovjak, Ph.D.

Visiting Researcher

| Profile
Ph.D. (Environmental Sciences) ( University of Nova Gorica), 2012
Graduate from Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, 2006

| Research theme
Design of healthy and sustainable buildings:
1.Overall comfort: indoor air quality, thermal comfort, daylight, acoustics, ergonomics, universal design.
2.Health: health outcomes-sick building syndrome, building related illness; content and emissions of hazardous chemicals in construction products.
3.Stimulative, healing oriented conditions: innovative user-centred cyber-physical system (UCCPS).

Contribution to the novel research and development of new areas:

・Connective thinking approach: exergy analyses of thermal processes inside of the human body together with the processes in a building;
・Development of innovative user-centred cyber-physical system (UCCPS) in buildings in order to achieve individual regulation of comfort healthy and healing oriented conditions for the individual user of the hospital room while simultaneously the minimum possible energy use, the application systems in other interior environments.

| Hobbies
Art activities with my son, when creativity has no limits.
Jogging, listening to music, reading

Ishara Uhanie Perera,Ph.D.

Visiting Researcher

| Profile
Masters (Life Sciences, Tohoku University), 2018
Ph.D. (Life Sciences, Tohoku University), 2021

| Research theme
・Temporal dynamics of plankton communities
・Relationship between phytoplankton and changing environment

| Hobbies
・Experimenting new recipes
・Playing with kids

Research Gate