Meeting at IFOP – Puerto Montt
Last Friday, December 17, a meeting was held at IFOP – Puerto Montt, with Dr. Leonardo Guzmán, head of the division of aquaculture research division and MACH researcher/manager. In this meeting, Dr. Milko Jorquera and Dr. Fumito Maruyama (Chief Scientists of the project) discussed with Dr. Guzman the latest results and updates of the MACH project activities. In addition, the communication and dissemination strategy for the period January – March 2022 was reviewed by Dr. Alejandro Murillo.
During the afternoon of the same Friday, the researchers met with Mr. Esteban Ramirez, CEO of the Instituto Tecnológico del Salmón (INTESAL). In this meeting, Dr. Fumito Maruyama presented the latest advances of the project and the projections on the use of the technology developed to monitor algae in the coasts of southern Chile.

Meeting at IFOP’s main office – Puerto Montt, with Dr. Leonardo Guzmán.

Meeting at INTESAL’s offices – Puerto Montt, with Mr. Esteban Ramírez CEO.