Presentation and tutorial on the use of the “Suitcase Lab” to laboratories associated with MACH.
Last Wednesday 17, and Thursday 18 November, Ms. Tay Ruiz (Ph.D. student at EMALab-UFRO) conducted two pieces of training of the suitcase lab at the Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno campus and at the Harmful Algae Studies Center (CREAN) of IFOP, Puerto Montt. Both for MACH researchers and invited academics aimed to present the suitcase lab as a tool for monitoring harmful microalgae in real-time, to advance in a monitoring and early warning strategy. The objective of this training was to review the suitcase’s contents and operation and start using it in field sample analysis in the different areas where the project is housed.

Presentation and training of the suitcase lab to ULagos researchers and academics.

Presentation and training of the suitcase lab to CREAN-IFOP researchers.