Visit to UFRO of the JICA-Chile project coordinator Ms. Nobuko Fujita.
On Tuesday, July 27th, the project coordinator of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Chile branch, Ms. Nobuko Fujita, met with the EMALab team at the Universidad de la Frontera (UFRO) in Temuco, led by our scientific director Dr. Milko Jorquera, to discuss the progress of the MACH project, tour the facilities, visit the Mobile Laboratory and see its equipment. As part of this visit, Ms. Fujita also visited Dr. Andres Avila’s group at the Center of Excellence for Modeling and Scientific Computing (CEMCC) of UFRO, where the “Soroban” server is located, one of the two servers acquired by the project, for the bioinformatic analysis of the DNA sequences generated from the samples obtained during the monitoring activities. This activity was carried out thanks to the improvement of sanitary conditions and the possibility of re-establishing face-to-face contacts between the different institutions that are part of the MACH project. We are also pleased to inform that Mr. Yuji Misu, project coordinator, after 1 year and 2 months of absence, has returned to Temuco to continue, as always, his contribution to the management of the project.

Ms. Nobuko Fujita visiting the EMALab laboratory to learn about the progress of the MACH project.

Visiting the Labo-Mobile, to learn about the equipment and field capabilities of the laboratory.

Visit to the CEMCC, to meet the bioinformatics team led by Dr. Andrés Ávila, who manages the Soroban server.