Development of harmful algal bloom monitoring methods and forecast system for sustainable aquaculture and coastal fisheries in Chile (Monitoring of algae in Chile)

Project server “Soroban” has installed at UFRO


   On December 9, 2019 the project server for analyses of microbes including harmful algae has finally arrived and installed at UFRO. The opening ceremony was organized at Center for Modeling and Computer Science (CMCC), with the presence of authorities of UFRO, along with the project members and other Japanese research members. The server was presented as “Soroban” (Japanese term for Abacus),

Prof. Ávila expressed our gratitude to UFRO authorities (Dr. Hunter, vice rector of UFRO)

   This server is financed by SATREPS MACH project and will be maintained and operated by UFRO. The main purpose of this server is to conduct sophisticated DNA analysis of all the samples that have been collected by the project team, Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP),  Los Lagos University and Antofagasta University, in order to analyze the interaction of microbes and algal species that cause HAB so that project team can develop forecast model of HAB, one of the main goal of the project.

   We would like to thank the following authorities of UFRO who have been supporting SATREPS MACH to accommodate the server in the facility of UFRO.

UFRO Authorities
Dr. Renato Hunter, Vice Chancellor for Research and Postgraduate
Dr. Rodrigo Navia, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences
Dra. María de la Luz Mora, Director of Scientific and Technological Bioresource Nucleus (BIOREN)
Dr. Patricio Galeas, Director of the Center for Modeling and Scientific Computing


Prof. Ávila showed the “Soroban” server to Dr. Hunter and Prof. Mora